Completed - 5 New Oreo Flavors

5. Try 5 Oreo flavors I've never had before (1/11/2018) I like Oreos, but I always get the same ones - hence this goal. Jonathan was such a great help with this one. The only ones I decided on trying myself were the salted caramel thins. He bought all the others, telling me that whenever he went to the store and was near that isle he would look for ones that I hadn't tried. Cutest husband ever :) Here are the 5 flavors I tried (in order) and the scores I gave them ( ● out of 5)! 1. Apple Pie ●●●● ○ These were really good! Oreos with the graham cracker cookie never seem to disappoint (if you can ever get S'mores Oreos, DO IT, one of the best Oreos ever) and the creme had a really good flavor. It kind of reminded me of those caramel apple suckers - which I love - and they were super good in milk. I would totally buy these again. 2. Salted Carmel Thins ●●●● ● These. Are. AMAZING. They are my favorite Oreo. (So good they're the only ones that get a picture.) I ...