The Me Monthly - Volume 2

August felt less busy than July, but I don't really think it was. I had more work than normal and we planned for lots of time with friends. We've been trying to do more things with people we like, because the people we like are pretty awesome. I was able to spend time chatting with Kathryn (an old roommate and wonderful person), geeking out over design and creative stuff with Saya, and playing board games with some of Jonathan's friends. We also went to the farmer's market with Sara and Garrett, got sushi with Myke and Amanda, and had a visit from Peter and Zoa. It's been a social month for us! Maybe that's why it didn't feel as busy - we were having more fun!

Bad parts of the month - I got a cold. Boooo. Luckily it didn't get too bad and was over pretty quickly. Still lame though. And Daisy got her first molar! She was up around 2 or 3 every morning for a few weeks, just crying and not wanting to sleep. No fun. Also, I feel like because I've been SO BUSY with work this month, I haven't had a ton of free time for myself or my family. It's all because of a convention that will be over on the 7th - thank heavens - so there is a break ahead! In spite of that, I've felt productive instead of lazy (my usual) and I've gained a lot of experience, so that's good.

Back to good things! As seen here, here, and here - I passed off the first few items from my list! I'm SO EXCITED to keep completing goals and I'm grateful for friends and family that are willing to help me. In September I should be able to finish about 3 more! With everything else going on, I feel like my list is bringing some variety into my life and breaking up my routine. Just reading my list gives me tingles and makes my belly fill with excited laughs. It's like everything inside me sees it and says, "Look at all this stuff we want to do! What if we do it? How great would that be? So let's do it!!"

Eating: nectarines - the best fruit ever
Making: actual meals! Hooray for grocery shopping and meal planning :)
Wishing: that it was easier for me to choose a business name...
Needing: to start exercising again
Anticipating: our trip to St. George in September - it's been way too long since I've been home

47. Go to a festival or fair
This one will be done on September 11th! Jonathan and I are going to go with Sara and Garrett to the State Fair! The best part: we're doing an extra event/tent thing where we're going to try tons of ice cream. I'm so excited!!

52. Make raspberry-peach jam
Farmer's market time! Amanda and I are going to get raspberries and peaches and make jam! We're currently planning to do this on the 16th of September.

54. Figure out the deal with curtains
So I found a good deal on rods and panels and got everything ordered, and then the curtain rod for our main room got delayed with no updates in sight! Super lame. So today I just cancelled that item and ordered a new one. But Daisy's room is up, and it's perfect!

55. For one month, plan and make at least 2 meals/week
I started this one after doing some massive grocery shopping at the beginning of the month. I came up with 7 meals to shop for, but have since planned 4 more. I've done really well at making dinner so far and I will be done with this one next week!

15. For one year go to the temple once a month
Jonathan and I went to the temple on the 19th and did a session. I'm hoping this can be the start of this goal. It had been way too long since we had been to the temple and I really want, and NEED, to go more.

90. Save $10 for every item completed
Amount saved: $30

20. Read the Book of Mormon twice during the list
Jonathan has challenged the two of us to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year! I need to read about 4-5 pages every day to accomplish that. I have a lot left...I haven't read much since last month :/

49. Play 51 new games (at least 15 award-winning)
2. Zombicide: Black Plague (8/5/17)
3. Mystery of the Abbey (8/6/17)
4. Punderdome (8/11/17)
5. Overcooked (8/11/17)

85. Watch 51 new movies (at least 15 award-winning)
7. Shin Godzilla (8/6/17)
8. Ran (8/13/17) *1 - 1985 Oscar for Best Costume Design*
9. La La Land (8/21/17) *2 - 2017 Oscar for Best Original Music Score +4 more*
10. Wonder Woman (8/23/17)
11. 10 Cloverfield Lane (8/27/17)

So this month I bought Daisy a book that was one of my favorites as a child: What Do You Do with a Kangaroo by Mercer Mayer!

This was one of the books that I wrote my name in and claimed as mine. I'm not even sure what drew me to it. Maybe it was all the animals, maybe it was the spunky girl who had to kick said animals out of her house, maybe it was the way it was read to me...whatever it was, I've always loved it! It was super nostalgic to read it with my own child. I even had flashbacks of reading it in my living room. While I read it to Daisy she meowed (there's a cat in it) and ooooooo'ed a lot, and I was able to get through it, so I think she liked it. I'm thinking of getting a Dr. Suess book next month because we don't have any of those yet. (The scandal!)


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