The Me Monthly - Volume 2

ME THIS MONTH August felt less busy than July, but I don't really think it was. I had more work than normal and we planned for lots of time with friends. We've been trying to do more things with people we like, because the people we like are pretty awesome. I was able to spend time chatting with Kathryn (an old roommate and wonderful person) , geeking out over design and creative stuff with Saya, and playing board games with some of Jonathan's friends. We also went to the farmer's market with Sara and Garrett, got sushi with Myke and Amanda, and had a visit from Peter and Zoa. It's been a social month for us! Maybe that's why it didn't feel as busy - we were having more fun! Bad parts of the month - I got a cold. Boooo. Luckily it didn't get too bad and was over pretty quickly. Still lame though. And Daisy got her first molar! She was up around 2 or 3 every morning for a few weeks, just crying and not wanting to sleep. No fun. Also, I feel like bec...