The Me Monthly - Volume 26

ME THIS MONTH August was a MONTH. I worked a TON. I stressed a TON. But in the midst of that I tried to find a balance by not working in the mornings and instead being outside with Daisy! I enjoyed the lovely end-of-summer morning weather, cross stitched a Totoro face, and listened to some audiobooks. It was quite enjoyable and it worked pretty well to combat the stress, but it also meant I was up working until midnight sometimes. We also dealt with some emotional, mental, and physical issues, as seems to be the norm in our lives, but we made it through! Again! With all the hard times we have, at least I can always say that we get past them :) A few good things about August: we got to meet our newest family member, Ziya!! Christian (Jonathan's brother) got married to Ziya at the beginning of August in South Africa and they made it out to see us (and live down the street!!) by the end of the month. They only get to stay for a few months, but we get to see them a lot and it...