The Me Monthly - Volume 26

August was a MONTH. I worked a TON. I stressed a TON. But in the midst of that I tried to find a balance by not working in the mornings and instead being outside with Daisy! I enjoyed the lovely end-of-summer morning weather, cross stitched a Totoro face, and listened to some audiobooks. It was quite enjoyable and it worked pretty well to combat the stress, but it also meant I was up working until midnight sometimes. We also dealt with some emotional, mental, and physical issues, as seems to be the norm in our lives, but we made it through! Again! With all the hard times we have, at least I can always say that we get past them :)

A few good things about August: we got to meet our newest family member, Ziya!! Christian (Jonathan's brother) got married to Ziya at the beginning of August in South Africa and they made it out to see us (and live down the street!!) by the end of the month. They only get to stay for a few months, but we get to see them a lot and it's great :) Ziya is even going to be babysitting Daisy, and they're already buddies. Another good thing that happened in August: Jonathan got offered a job!!! He's going to be working at Purple (yes the mattress place, no I don't know if we get a mattress or not haha) doing something similar to what he does now, which is something with warehouses and coordinating products and stuff. It's going to be a great change for him and we're really excited :) I also went to my first book club meeting! Some ladies in my ward were talking about starting one so we did! We just suggested and decided on books to start, but it was so fun talking about books with other people. I think this will fully reawaken my love of reading!!

Another thing that is maybe good, is that I'm getting another job too! I'm going back(ish) to the print shop I used to work at! The (ish) is because my old coworker's sister/brother-in-law own it now. They're all great and I love them, so it will be fun to be back, but it does mean I have to leave home and see people everyday which means I have to wear decent clothes instead of the comfy pants and graphic tees I'm always in. And this is why Ziya is watching Daisy! It all comes full circle haha :) We literally thought "I should get a job. How about I see if the print shop needs help? <15 minutes later> They said yes." Okay, it was a little more involved then that, but basically that's what happened haha :) I'll only be there until Christmas so it's really short-term, but it will be good. I think it will be a very strong influence on me prioritizing my time and being more efficient as well. I definitely won't have as much time. But we really want to get a jump on our savings and debt payments, and with this job, my other job, my business, and Jonathan's new job, we can really kick it all in the teeth. Wish us luck!

Listening: to audiobooks!! I'm a convert and Overdrive/Libby is wonderful. I think I still prefer actual books, but there's something special about listening to a book while you cross stitch.
Excited: to get my favorite AIP blogger's new cookbook!! I prordered it and it should be here sometime in September!
Loving: chalk!! While outside in the mornings, Daisy and I draw with chalk and I have found a huge love for it! It's so much fun and another great stress reliever for me. I like art.

So...still trying to find time to write up posts. I think I'm close or have finished a few more items though! Working on everything kind of un-focused-ly. But still doing some things! Never fear, this will be back at some point before I end haha :)

Project 11 - Cross Stitch (July/August - Finished)
I did very well this time around and it was so fun! Much less stressful only doing a handful of stitches a day versus a whole motif. I even tried some new methods and I think my cross stitching has improved! I feel like I could start a bigger project and not feel rushed by how much it would take to finish it. It also made me feel like I could do any hobby I liked for just a few minutes a day and still feel "filled" (if that makes sense). I think I always want to just finish everything as soon as I can and get it done! but this helped me find joy in the doing, no matter how small, instead of the finishing :) Hooray 30 day projects! Hooray cross stitch!

I'll do Project 12 (the last one!!) in the next month or two. With my new job and everything, I want to get into a routine again and then finish :) So close though!!

28. Read 35 new books
9. Echo (8/21/19) - My first audiobook on the list! This book was so magical to listen to. A main focus of the book is music, especially the playing of a harmonica, and that was incorporated into the audio. The voice actors were great too. The story is about three different people over the course of Wold War II, and a magical harmonica that is passed between them and how it affects their fates. It was a very lovely story and I loved the different perspectives and trials that they each have. I also loved what it had to say about music and how it can help and heal. I highly suggest it, especially in audio form!!

49. Play 51 new games (at least 15 award-winning)
41. Volfyirion (8/9/19)
42. Vindication (8/16/19)
43. Jaws (8/26/19)

70. Attend 5 new museums
4. Museum of Natural Curiosity (8/1/19) - Daisy and I got invited to this museum by our lovely neighbors Chantelle and Kenadie! Kenadie and Daisy are best friends, and they are SO cute together. Chantelle and I talked while the girls just ran around playing with things. It was such a cool museum, and I wish there was a way to get it all to yourself! Minus the hysterical, insane tantrum from Daisy when we had to leave, this was super fun!

Another book from Nana this month: Are You My Mother?

A few months ago, Daisy wanted to read and act out this book like every day. I love that she loves reading and can bring books to life on her own :) Can I be honest about something?? I don't really like this book and I don't exactly know why. Maybe it's because I didn't read it as a child? Maybe it's too long? I do shorten it though, so that makes it easier for me to read. But...for the little cutie that wants to be a baby bird looking for her mom, I will read it over and over haha :)


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