Completed - Massage

62. Get a massage (6/25/19) I was so excited - and a little nervous - to finally get a massage! I had a window of no child and no work on this afternoon, and my stressed/sore body got dibs on what to do. I found a place in town with good reviews and a first-timer deal, so I booked it! (Also, major shout-out to Diana for having Daisy over to play at her house!) My experience was definitely different than what I was expecting, mentally at least. I assumed I would be in silence the whole time, but the therapist started up a conversation that ended up being about a lot of negative/stressful things going on in her life. I truly felt sorry for what she was going through and I wanted to respond appropriately, so I just couldn't relax. When it got to a point where I felt like it was fine to not ask any more questions/make any other comments.....I didn't. And she didn't either. So the last half of the massage was silent. I relaxed a little bit more during that time, but I wa...