
Showing posts from May, 2019

Completed - 3 Plays

67. Go to 3 plays (5/11/19) I love plays and, as you can see from the plays I went to, I also LOVE Grassroots Shakespeare! Initially I wanted to go to a variety of plays, but then I discovered Grassroots and that's what I ended up watching. No regrets at all. I still have a gift certificate to see something at the Hale, so eventually I'll get around to seeing a musical or something. But for now, I'm planning when to go see Grassroots' summer shows haha :) 1. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Grassroots Shakespeare (5/19/18) This play was SO FUN. This company tries to do Shakespeare the way it was done originally (no director, actors buy own costumes, outside, audience interaction, not much rehearsal, etc.) and they were amazing! I enjoyed every minute and am still thinking about it weeks later. I've also never read or seen this play before and it was a great first experience. Reading it will definitely be more fun now, but I don't know if I'll be able t...

Completed - New State

25. Travel to a new state (4/25/19) I went to not just one, but TWO new states on this day! I was on a road trip with Jonathan and our friend Andrew, where we drove through a corner of Oregon and into Washington. That corner of Oregon was BEAUTIFUL. I took so many pictures of trees and just greeeeen - literally the only pictures I took on the trip were of Oregon. The part of Washington we were in...had a river haha :) It's always interesting to go to new places to see what's different, especially in the landscape. I don't know why I get so surprised when there's no mountains somewhere. Guess I've been spoiled! Really Washington was fine, just not the prettiest place in my opinion. But the wedding we were there for was lovely and all our experiences were fantastic! While in Washington, I ate lots of good food, went to some cool places, and spent time with wonderful people. Most of the things I did are documented throughout the blog, so I'm not going to wr...

Completed - Daisy Hairstyle

65. Learn how to do a cute hairstyle for Daisy (3/18/19) Pigtaaaaaaails! The only thing I've been able to do with Daisy's uneven and slow-growing hair. I originally wanted to learn how to do a cute braid or something for this goal - and I might still try it sometime - but Daisy has become less and less willing to sit still. So I decided I'm going to count this as complete! Besides, she looks pretty dang cute in pigtails.

The Me Monthly - Volume 22

ME THIS MONTH This is soooooo much later than I wanted it to be, but I've been so busy! We got back from our trip to Washington (post coming so I won't talk about it much here, but it was great!) and it took a bit to get back into routine. We had an emotionally rough week after as well, but got through it okay enough. Then I've just been busy with work so here we are! The rest of April was..chill? busy? The past few weeks have been so crazy it's hard for me to remember the beginning of the month! Let's see what I can come up with! I do know that we had two birthdays, Jonathan's and Daisy's! We kept them pretty low-key, just presents and treats and games :) Daisy got some awesome presents from her grandparents, and barely plays with what I got her haha I guess I need more present-buying practice. I can't believe she's three! But I definitely know it, because holy sassy pants, she is a threenager. Pray I get through it! This month we also sent Co...