Completed - 3 Plays

67. Go to 3 plays (5/11/19) I love plays and, as you can see from the plays I went to, I also LOVE Grassroots Shakespeare! Initially I wanted to go to a variety of plays, but then I discovered Grassroots and that's what I ended up watching. No regrets at all. I still have a gift certificate to see something at the Hale, so eventually I'll get around to seeing a musical or something. But for now, I'm planning when to go see Grassroots' summer shows haha :) 1. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Grassroots Shakespeare (5/19/18) This play was SO FUN. This company tries to do Shakespeare the way it was done originally (no director, actors buy own costumes, outside, audience interaction, not much rehearsal, etc.) and they were amazing! I enjoyed every minute and am still thinking about it weeks later. I've also never read or seen this play before and it was a great first experience. Reading it will definitely be more fun now, but I don't know if I'll be able t...