Completed - 5 Anime

48. Watch 5 new anime by myself (3/16/19) When we got married, Jonathan introduced me to anime. My mind was blown at the great stories, characters, animation styles, humor, and just ALL THE FEELS that can be found in this form of art and storytelling. I know that there are stigmas/stereotypes and negative things surrounding anime, but there are some truly amazing gems among all the not-so-great stuff. And if you know people who know the good stuff, you're in for some awesome times. Up until the first anime on this list, I would only watch shows with Jonathan, mostly watching shows he loved and wanted me to see. After a little while we also started watching new shows together, which is so fun! But if I had free time, watching an anime by myself wasn't what I chose to do - especially because I have to read subtitles and can't do something else at the same time. So I challenged myself to see if anime is really something I like on my own vs. because I like having something ...