The Me Monthly - Volume 18

ME THIS MONTH December was busy. Then we went to Texas to visit my in-laws for Christmas! The flight there was awesome and Daisy did great; the flight home was hard and seemed to take FOREVER. The time in between the flights however, was fantastic!! The first day there we went to the Fort Worth Zoo - basically no one was there and the weather was amazing, so obviously it was the perfect zoo trip. Also: I PET A FREAKING GIRAFFE. So yeah. Perfect. Our time in Texas also included: Christmas!! such a great day :) great gospel and life discussions a really delicious pizza place Parker's baptism (Jonathan's little brother) endless video games, especially smash bros dog pats multiple board games where we terraformed all the things many, many treats and non-AIP foods lots of reading cows and horses and dollar stores and churches everywhere driving into civilization from nowhere no mountains. flatness is not my favorite lovely nighttime rainstorms Overall it was ju...