
Showing posts from June, 2018

Completed - Shoot an Arrow

77. Shoot an arrow (6/11/2018) I had to ask, but I got to shoot some arrows while at Day Camp with the Webelos! :) It was harder than I thought it would be and I wasn't very good - but I did get one into the 3rd ring closest to the bullseye! It was really fun though and I would love to do it again! (Ignore my form in the photos, it's probably awful haha)

Completed - Exercise for a Month

44. Exercise 4 days/week for a month (5/26/2018) I have always had a hard time sticking to an exercise routine. My main issue was always trying to find the right time to exercise - because I'm kind of particular. I want to exercise on an empty stomach and at a time where I can reasonably take a shower afterwards. So my choices are in the morning or right before bed. Aaaaaand I didn't want to do it right before bed because I don't always like taking a shower at night. So obviously my only choice (personally) was to exercise in the morning, and preferably before Daisy woke up. I know this all sounds really picky, and it probably is, but once I made up my mind I decided to not think about it anymore and just DO IT. I needed to make it a habit and not stuck in my head! So I set my alarm for 7 AM every morning and slowly increased my workout intensity throughout the month. I did 20-minute pilates and yoga videos for the first two weeks, and then the last two weeks I tried to...

The Me Monthly - Volume 11

ME THIS MONTH Oh look, I'm a week late! First time in almost a year of doing this, so I'll let it pass. If you read the last sentence of my last monthly update....yes. I did jinx myself. May was SO BUSY. It was mostly a good busy - we spent a LOT of time with friends and family, as the wonderful Sara and Garrett moved and we needed to stock up on good times!! Also my in-laws are moving (next week!) and we've been trying to be with them as much as possible too. The bad busy: I also procrastinated work (and just worked slowly/got too distracted) so I always had stuff to do. The other big thing - I started an elimination diet on the 1st called the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) to see if it will help me heal my gut and manage my UC symptoms! I'll be doing it strictly for 30, 45, or 60 days and then start adding things back in to see how they affect me and what I should keep out. Currently I can't have: dairy, nuts, seeds, eggs, grains, nightshades, refined sugars, a...