Completed - Exercise for a Month

44. Exercise 4 days/week for a month (5/26/2018)

I have always had a hard time sticking to an exercise routine. My main issue was always trying to find the right time to exercise - because I'm kind of particular. I want to exercise on an empty stomach and at a time where I can reasonably take a shower afterwards. So my choices are in the morning or right before bed. Aaaaaand I didn't want to do it right before bed because I don't always like taking a shower at night. So obviously my only choice (personally) was to exercise in the morning, and preferably before Daisy woke up.

I know this all sounds really picky, and it probably is, but once I made up my mind I decided to not think about it anymore and just DO IT. I needed to make it a habit and not stuck in my head! So I set my alarm for 7 AM every morning and slowly increased my workout intensity throughout the month. I did 20-minute pilates and yoga videos for the first two weeks, and then the last two weeks I tried to make the majority of my workouts more intense and did some 40-minute cardio videos. (My Claudia Schiffer workout VHS tapes that I specifically keep a VCR for...I'm a weirdo.) On the last day I walked all over a zoo, and that was definitely a workout. I was planning to ride my bike during the last two weeks, but it didn't work out. I got my tires filled though and my goal is to ride my bike once a week for the next month. I haven't ridden in a long time, but you don't forget that right?

Anyway! I finally did it!! I started this one like 3 different times and so many things would come up or I was just lazy. Having completed it during a super crazy month, I'm pretty proud of myself. And it also helped that I wasn't having a flare-up, but still. I got over the time/events hurdle, so I really only have excuses from here on out (or physical issues, but that's a different thing). The last two weeks my excuse has been a teething baby who wakes up in the middle of the night (molars are the worst), but I'm fine with that excuse. Sleep is more important sometimes. I have noticed though that when I exercise I feel more awake and productive during the day than when I don't. And that's really one of the biggest things that I want to get out of exercising. And the healthier thing. So here's to exercising more so I can be healthy and also more productive :) Habit made! I think haha ;)


  1. Way to go! This is one of the hardest things for me, too...I hope you can keep up the habit!


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