The Me Monthly - Volume 9

ME THIS MONTH Oooooooh Maaaaaarch. You brought me food poisoning, my worst flare-up yet, and a stomach flu baby scare. All while I was trying to be good and exercise! But I'm a wimp and so those types of things just make me not want to do anything - so I don't. But you also had lots of fun times with friends and some interesting changes! Jonathan was called to be the executive secretary in our ward so we have a little less time with him on Sundays, but I think this will be good. Speaking of church, we're excited for conference and Easter this weekend! I'm super boring and so Daisy won't be getting a present-filled Easter basket (I didn't ever get one growing up and I turned out ok), but we did get her a new little bunny and we'll give her a book, so that's something I guess. We will be spending the weekend with family and I think that's the best part of a holiday anyway! Other things of note this month is the wonderful Oscars party hosted by th...