20 in 2020

I won't be doing another 101 list for a while, but in the meantime I've been doing a 20 in 2020 list for this year...kind of. It's nothing serious at all. I don't think I'll do anything huge with it on here, but I decided to post it anyway to document it and keep myself a little more accountable. Read scriptures once a week Make my business logo Throw away/organize storage, papers, excess, memories, etc. New wardrobe (throw away HS clothes!!) Get back on a consistent AIP/Paleo lifestyle Playing Preschool regularly with Daisy Get new glasses Toddler feeding course Have a baby Write in journal once every 1-2 weeks Indexing 6 times Finish Katamari Read 10 new books Take a watercolor class Start and keep up a walking/yoga routine Find a together hobby/fun thing/interest Go to therapy Recycling and reducing waste Decorations/pictures in our house Eat a macaron Some things are a little vague, but like I said, it's not serious and I'm...