
Showing posts from June, 2020

20 in 2020

I won't be doing another 101 list for a while, but in the meantime I've been doing a 20 in 2020 list for this year...kind of. It's nothing serious at all. I don't think I'll do anything huge with it on here, but I decided to post it anyway to document it and keep myself a little more accountable. Read scriptures once a week Make my business logo Throw away/organize storage, papers, excess, memories, etc. New wardrobe (throw away HS clothes!!) Get back on a consistent AIP/Paleo lifestyle Playing Preschool regularly with Daisy Get new glasses Toddler feeding course Have a baby Write in journal once every 1-2 weeks Indexing 6 times Finish Katamari Read 10 new books Take a watercolor class Start and keep up a walking/yoga routine Find a together hobby/fun thing/interest Go to therapy Recycling and reducing waste Decorations/pictures in our house Eat a macaron Some things are a little vague, but like I said, it's not serious and I'm...

Did it Again - 101.2

This is months late, but I did it! I lived another 1001 days trying to accomplish 101 goals :) And my final tally was...45 out of 101! Here's the list of everything I completed ! My goal going into this was trying to get 35 done, and I did 10 better! I think that's even double my original list tally. I'd count that as a success FOR SURE. Originally I wanted to write up a huge post for this going through all my thoughts/feelings/etc. buuuuuut.....procrastinating and then being only a week away from having a baby will make you change things. So I'm going to keep this short and sweet (which actually works with what I'm going to write next haha). This past 2.5ish years have been pretty eventful - mentally, emotionally, and even physically. I feel like I've grown a lot in that time - because of all those events and also because of this list. I think the biggest takeaway for me this time around is that I realized that I make some things a lot harder for mysel...