Completed - 51 Games

49. Play 51 new games, at least 15 award-winning (11/28/19)

We really love board and video games at our house and this goal has been a great opportunity for me to spend time with Jonathan and our friends/family. It was interesting to see differences and similarities in games that are award-winning and ones that weren't. But whether a game was a hit or miss, I seriously enjoyed so many of them and I'm glad I have this list to reference :) 

1. Freedom: The Underground Railroad (7/15/17)
2. Zombicide: Black Plague (8/5/17)
3. Mystery of the Abbey (8/6/17)
4. Punderdome (8/11/17)
5. Overcooked (8/11/17)
6. Katamari Forever (9/1/17)
7. Agricola (9/10/17) *1 - Spiel des Jahres, Best Complex Game 2008*
8. Terror in Meeple City (11/11/17)
9. Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig (11/10/17)
10. Scythe (12/17/17) *2 - 2016 Golden Geek Board Game of the Year Winner + others*
11. 7 Wonders Duel (12/25/17) *3 - 2015 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Winner + others*
12. Patchwork (12/25/17) *4 - 2014 Golden Geek Best Abstract Board Game Winner*
13. Abraca-what? (12/26/17)
14. StoryLine: Fairy Tales (12/26/17)
15. What do You Meme (1/12/18)
16. Nuns on the Run (1/12/18)
17. Maximum Apocalypse (1/19/18)
18. Rising Sun (2/4/18)
19. Torres (6/25/18) *5 - 2000 Spiel des Jarres Winner*
20. Pillars of the Earth: Builders Duel (7/16/18)
21. Tzolk'in (7/29/18) *6 - 2012 Meeples Choice Winner*
22. Mechs vs Minions (8/17/18) *7 - 2016 Golden Geek Best Cooperative Game Winner*
23. Guillotine (7/12/18) *8 - 1998 Origins Awards Best Traditional Card Game Winner + 1 more*
24. Splendor (7/12/18) * 9 - 2014 Golden Geek Game of the Year Winner + others*
25. Tales of the Arabian Nights (10/10/18)
26. Founders of Gloomhaven (11/28/18)
27. Super Smash Bros: Ultimate (12/7/18)
28. Architects of the West Kingdom (12/16/18)
29. Western Legends (12/16/18)
30. Terraforming Mars (12/25/18) *10 - 2017 Deutscher Spiele Preis Best Family/Adult Game Winner + others*
31. Overcooked 2 (12/25/18) *11 - 2018 Best Family Game (The Game Awards)*
32. Terra Mystica (12/26/18) *12 - 2012 Meeples' Choice Winner + others*
33. Nintendo Labo (12/26/18)
34. Katamari Damacy Reroll (12/27/18) *13 - 2004 Best Design (The Game Developers Choice Awards) + others*
35. Kingdomino (12/30/18) *14 - 2017 Spiel des Jahres Winner + others*
36. Nemesis (1/4/19)
37. Wing It (1/20/19)
38. Dice Stars (3/30/19)
39. Gentes (6/7/19)
40. Trogdor!! The Board Game (7/12/19)
41. Volfyirion (8/9/19)
42. Vindication (8/16/19)
43. Jaws (8/26/19)
44. Galaxy Trucker (9/2/19)
45. Pixel Glory (9/2/19)
46. The Grizzled (9/16/19)
47. Untitled Goose Game (9/21/19)
48. Brass: Birmingham (9/29/19) *15 - 2018 Golden Geek Best Strategy Board Game Winner*
49. Villainous (10/1/19)
50. The Quacks of Quedlinburg (11/28/19) *16 - 2018 Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner + others*
51. Wingspan (11/28/19) *17 - 2019 Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner*


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