The Me Monthly - Volume 25

ME THIS MONTH July, July, Julyyyyyyy!! Listening to that while I write this because I'm having a hard time finding the motivation to write stuff. But I'm just going to type whatever comes to mind, so this might be pretty scatterbrained and have too less or too much information. But here goes! 4th of July! We went down to St George for the weekend and it was such a chill trip! We went swimming and to a park with the Carl Neves, played some games with my mom, saw Toy Story 4, ate some really good food, lit off some fireworks, and got to hang out with my brother's cat :D It was good to see my parents and every time we go down I'm reminded that it's not that bad of a drive, we can handle being away from home for a few days, and we should definitely do it more. Right when we got back from St. George we had a lovely visit from our friends Sara and Garrett! We played a board game, and then spent the next day hanging out and watching movies because poor Garrett was no...