The Me Monthly - Volume 24

June just flew by! I've still had a lot of work to do, but I think I've managed things a little better than last month.To help me remember what else happened this month, I had to take a picture of our calendar before I planned out July (disjointed sentences of various events to follow). I've been trying to spend more time with/make more friends in my ward, so I got together with more of my neighbors. It was great! :) We went to Jonathan's cousin's wedding, and it was a blast - like usual - to be with the Pyne's. I hung out with Amanda on our regularly scheduled Tuesday nights and for a super Saturday of fuuuuun! We went to the farmer's market, walked around DI, and got cake. I got my first-ever massage this month, thanks to Diana having Daisy come over to play for an afternoon. I refinished/updated Daisy's bookshelf with Kenzie. And yeah! That's what I did haha :) Seriously can't believe it's already July. It's been a little crazy so far, but I'll write about that next month!

Wearing: shorts! Summer is heeeeeeere!
Listening: to the Avett Brothers! Had a line from a song randomly come to mind and I ended up listening to 3 different albums on repeat for a few weeks.
Excited: for the 4th of July! It will be so fun to be in St George and see my parents :)

36. Prepare something I would say to 3-5 famous people I would like to meet
So I've been trying to think of "famous" people I would want to meet and I've been having the hardest time! I'm not a super fan with many things and I don't really follow anyone online, so it's been difficult to pick someone that I would honestly care to meet. Maybe I should start looking past the standard "famous people" group like singers and actors and stuff and see if that would serve me a little better. I do know I want Rhett & Link on that list, so at least one spot is taken. If you have any suggestions or brain storming ideas for me, send them my way!

40. Go camping and 88. Go kayaking/canoeing
Just realized that these were on my list! I'll be going to Girl's Camp in July, where we're also going canoeing!! What a lovely two birds with one stone it will be :)

Project 10 - Parenthood Listography (June - Finished)
I did pretty well on this one. If I missed a day I just did more the next day, and with all of that I have added information to so many pages! It was fun to remember things from when Daisy was really little, and even things from just a few months ago. It's also made me really grateful for digital messages, images, and videos, because that's how I've been able to recall most of it. I think this will help keep me in the habit of recording things about parenting/Daisy :)

Project 11 - Cross Stitch (July - Started)
My goal is to stitch a small icon/motif each day, but at the very least I want to do 20 full stitches. If I miss one I'll just add a day to the end until I have all 30. I've been finding lots of cute things to make and I'm really excited! It's been too long since I've stitched anything. 

49. Play 51 new games (at least 15 award-winning)
39. Gentes (6/7/19)

85. Watch 101 new movies (at least 20 award-winning)
48. Gravity (6/2/19) *7 - 2014 Academy Award for Best Cinematography + more*
49. Wages of Fear (6/27/19) *8 - 1955 BAFTA Award for Best Film + more*
50. The Perfect Date (6/29/19)

86. Go to 15 new eateries
10. Last Course (6/29/19) I got a slice of White Biscoff cake (Cake by Courtney) with Last Course's Gooey Brownie ice cream. Holy deliciousness these were both AMAZING. Perfect off-diet/cheat treat experience.

This is a book from Grandma Neve, that I read as a lot as a child, and it was a favorite for a few weeks: But No Elephants

Daisy really liked all the different animals, especially the woodpecker and the turtle. And while I still feel bad for the elephant, I think I understand the old lady better now that I'm older haha :) Luckily it all ends well - in a tropical place too! I'll have to get the one where the elephant goes to school and see what Daisy thinks of that one!


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