The Me Monthly - Volume 15

This month was a good combo of work and relaxing. I feel like I got to spend time with friends and family, but also with myself. I didn't have as much work, or the work I did have had more chill deadlines. I'm interested to see how October goes work-wise.

I don't feel like I have much to report. I've been feeling pretty good, even though I still have a specific health issue I'm figuring out. I've been less stressed, which has been awesome. And I've been trying to organize all my stuff from school/growing up/etc. I just really want to declutter everything, get new decorations, and actually know how to make my house look nice and organized.

I honestly don't know what else to say and I want to get this done, so I'll end here. I hope I have something more exciting to talk about in the next update!

Excitedfor General Conference this weekend! We're not going to St George like we had wanted, but we'll still be spending time with family so I'll still count it as a win.
Watching: This is Us! A new season started and I'm mostly just watching it again so I can hang with friends. Still like the show, but watching it with friends is the best part. I've also been watching Call the Midwife again. Figure I might as well finish it up.
Opening: random containers filled with random objects I collected growing up. How many horse figurines and polished rocks can one child have?! If it's me, apparently a lot, and they're all important enough to be kept for 15 years.

The ones I've been "working on" for the last few months haven't gone anywhere, and I feel like I should take a step back from them - besides the fruits and veggies one, because I finally actually started it haha :) I have gotten a few other things done in the meantime, so I don't feel like a total failure. But still. That's why there's only the one thing here and I'll reevaluate this month what I want to do next.
53. Learn the health benefits of different fruits and vegetables
I have 20 fruits and 20 veggies, and I started looking up info on fruits! I've done bananas, avocados, and apples. I've already learned some cool stuff - like avocados have more potassium than bananas - and it made me excited to keep going on this one!

Project 3 - Reading (August - Finished)
This project was:
  • Read one chapter of the Book of Mormon every day
  • Read one chapter of an additional book every day
I didn't do as well as I would have liked on this one. But I did read for a total of 30 days (eventually), finished two books, started another one, and read more in my scriptures than I usually do, so I feel it's been some kind of success :)

Project 4 - Yoga/Plank (September - Finished)
For this one I decided to:
  • Do at least 5 minutes of yoga every day
  • Do a plank for as long as you can every day
And I did great! I didn't decide on doing the plank until a few days in, so I'll keep going for the full 30 days there. I usually do a plank for about a minute (longer if I can!), then I follow that with a relaxing flow that I've come up with. It just feels so great, and for the most part I think it helps me to fall asleep quicker. I'll definitely keep this one up, I have really enjoyed it.

Project 5 - Doodling/Sketching/Lettering (October - Started)
In honor of Inktober, and with a desire to be more creative on paper, this month's 30 day project is:
  • Sketch, doodle, or letter something every day, using the Inktober prompts
I'm really excited for this one. I'll probably share a few pics when I'm finished, but after what I did yesterday I might not haha ;) we'll see! I am a VERY amateur artist. I'm more of a designer. On the computer. But maybe, hopefully, I'll get better!

75. Read all the General Conference talks that come out during the course of the list
I've been working on this one! Every Sunday after I put Daisy down for a "nap" (she doesn't actually sleep on Sundays for some reason), I read a talk! I'm still in the Saturday morning session of October 2017, but I'm doing it and that's what counts. In the last few weeks, the talks have related to what we talked about in church, and one in particular answered some questions I've been asking and thinking about.

49. Play 51 new games (at least 15 award-winning)
23. Guillotine (7/12/18) *8 - 1998 Origins Awards Best Traditional Card Game Winner + 1 more*
24. Splendor (7/12/18) * 9 - 2014 Golden Geek Game of the Year Winner + others*

85. Watch 101 new movies (at least 20 award-winning)
36. Annihilation (9/9/18)

90. Make 5 different kinds of ice cream
2. AIP Salted Caramel Ice Cream - This was really good, like even before it was actually ice cream I wanted to eat it all. Buuuut I think it wrecked me. I ate it and then was up in the middle of the night feeling awful. I think I'm sensitive to large amounts of basically straight coconut milk. I'll probably stick to baked goods if I need desserts for a little while.

This month's book from Nana is one that I really enjoyed reading to my nieces while I was growing up: Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy

Daisy loves all the bright colors, butterflies/flowers, and of course, the dogs. We had to read this at every story time (before naps and bed) for about a week. Her love for it has calmed down, and now she wants to read it by herself, which means she sits on the footstool, I sit in the rocking chair, and she stares intently and pointing at a few pages before getting a new book. I want to get the original Fancy Nancy book  when we go to the library next (if there is one...but I'm assuming there is). This is a cute book and I'd bet any others are too :)


  1. Yay relaxing! And yay projects! Part of inktober is posting things online, even if they suck. :) I expect to see something! You can do it!


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