The Me Monthly - Volume 13

ME THIS MONTH I was planning to post this a few days ago, but our week got crazy so that didn't work out! So here we are, almost a week late, but still here! And with different content...I need to remember to write these in advance, but not too far in advance or I basically have to write them twice! Another reason I didn't get to post when I wanted was that we were in Boise for the weekend! For about a year, I have jokingly wanted to plan a trip up there because a food truck I love moved there and opened a restaurant. Then, Sara told me about a glass blowing place in Boise where you can make things (see list item #7!!), so I really wanted to go. Then! Death Cab for Cutie, one of my favorite bands and the last one I really care to see live, was going to be playing there! I had tried to get tickets to their concert the day before in SLC but it sold out in minutes...all the better for me though! We got tickets for the concert, planned to go to a glass blowing class, and I t...