
Showing posts from May, 2015

One marathon to rule them all | #50 - Movie Marathon!!

So this is the post that basically ended my first run of things. I had written it and when I went back to finish it up, it hadn't saved anything. So not cool :( But here we go. Finally. 50. Complete a successful movie marathon - DONE 8/9/14 Lord of the Rings. All three movies. Extended versions. It was quite the adventure. I don't think I'll have to do it again for years. Or maybe just ever. It was so exhausting! You live through all the journeys and battles and endless walking...Because, boy. Frodo really gets put through the "ringer." Haha :) {So I said that during the last movie, but I didn't even think of its magnitude. Cause, holy cow, wittiest pun I've ever said! Jonathan whipped his head around to look at me and he waited for what I said to sink it. I finally got it and then we just laughed and laughed :) Oh puns.} So on Saturday, August 9th, I woke up super early to drive with Jonathan and his two friends to Jonathan's parents...