1 Down, 100 to Go! | #83 - Swings

I completed the first thing from my 101 list!!

83. Go to a park and swing on the swings - DONE 5/17/14

There was even a trip involved! Amanda and I drove up to Logan on Friday night to spend some time with Katie friend! This trip was originally planned for her birthday weekend back in March, but life got crazy for everyone, so we came up two months later instead.

(And I just have to say, I was amazed at how GREEN everything was on the drive up. I don't think I've ever seen landscape that green before. As we drove through the canyon to get to Logan, I just stared.)

We left Provo when we were both done with work, and we got to Logan around 8 pm. Katie called us right as we were pulling up, but we told her we wouldn't be there for another 30 minutes. Then we doorbell-ditched her birthday card. We're so clever :) Later that night, a bunch of Katie's friends came over for games! We saw some old friends and met some new people. It was SO FUN!! It made me wish I lived up there. (But only a little bit.) We played Smurf and Spaz and the Number game. I had played all of them before, so unfortunately I couldn't add anything to my new games list. Still. Way fun :)

On Saturday we decided to have a picnic! The weather was beautiful, and the park we went to had swings!! I forgot my camera, so we have to live with iPod pictures. Amanda took some, but she's been taking too long to get them to me. Perhaps I will upload them later!

I think I ended up swinging for about 15-20 minutes.

It had been such a long time since I had been on swings!

These swings were actually at a school playground right next to the park, but the park swings were full and these were better anyway :)


And even though swinging on swings is a small thing compared to some others on my list, it made me feel so motivated to do more! I love this 101 in 1001 more every day! I love telling people about it and hearing from other people about what they want to do. So if you start a list, please let me know! I want to read it!


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